301 research outputs found

    The Great Eruption of Eta Carinae

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    During the years 1838-1858, the very massive star {\eta} Carinae became the prototype supernova impostor: it released nearly as much light as a supernova explosion and shed an impressive amount of mass, but survived as a star.1 Based on a light-echo spectrum of that event, Rest et al.2 conclude that "a new physical mechanism" is required to explain it, because the gas outflow appears cooler than theoretical expectations. Here we note that (1) theory predicted a substantially lower temperature than they quoted, and (2) their inferred observational value is quite uncertain. Therefore, analyses so far do not reveal any significant contradiction between the observed spectrum and most previous discussions of the Great Eruption and its physics.Comment: To appear in Nature, a brief communication arising in response to Rest et al. 2012. Submitted to Nature February 17, 201

    A Tale of Two Impostors: SN2002kg and SN1954J in NGC 2403

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    We describe new results on two supernova impostors in NGC 2403, SN 1954J(V12) and SN 2002kg(V37). For the famous object SN 1954J we combine four critical observations: its current SED, its Halpha emission line profile, the Ca II triplet in absorption in its red spectrum, and the brightness compared to its pre-event state. Together these strongly suggest that the survivor is now a hot supergiant with T ~ 20000 K, a dense wind, substantial circumstellar extinction, and a G-type supergiant companion. The hot star progenitor of V12's giant eruption was likely in the post-red supergiant stage and had already shed a lot of mass. V37 is a classical LBV/S Dor variable. Our photometry and spectra observed during and after its eruption show that its outburst was an apparent transit on the HR Diagram due to enhanced mass loss and the formation of a cooler, dense wind. V37 is an evolved hot supergiant at ~10^6 Lsun with a probable initial mass of 60 -80 Msun.Comment: To appear in the Astrophysical Journa
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